Finding Integrity in (Bodily) Autonomy and Lunas Collective

Finding Integrity in (Bodily) Autonomy: Unpacking the Narratives on Sexuality, Gender-Based Violence, and Bodily Autonomy Through the Lens of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Key Players is a policy brief that analyzes the assemblage of socio-economic, cultural, legal, and political factors that impede on the implementation of laws and policies that incorporate sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It also discusses good practices and ways of moving forward that can be instrumental for women and people to reclaim their integrity through the realization of their bodily autonomy.

Lunas Collective: Feminist Care Methods as Applied to Pandemic Response is a policy brief that discusses the ways in which communities can lead the care initiative, and presents the Lunas Collective Care and Action Principles. It is important to note that community-based responses are not meant to be a substitute for public health and government services for people needing care for gender-based violence and/or sexual and reproductive health concerns.

The policy briefs and their content were developed and produced by Amanda Lee Centeno and Sabrina Laya Gacad respectively for the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) and OXFAM Philippines.

You may view and download Finding Integrity in (Bodily) Autonomy here and Lunas Collective here.