To open its Women’s Month celebration, the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) invites everyone to the launch of the latest issue of its journal, the Review of Women’s Studies Volume XXXIV, Number 1, on 10 March 2025 (Monday), 1:30 PM at the UPCWGS Conference Room.
Clandestine Casualties: Examining the Right to Abortion Under International Law in the Philippine Context by Marianne Crielle G. Vitug
Microaggression Toward Filipino Women With Mobility Disabilities: From Microstories to Macrostruggles by Christelle Juin R. Ancha and Jan Erron R. Celebrado
Nipping the Stereotypes: Development of a Sexual Health Literacy Program for Teens and Young Adults With Moderate to Severe Levels of Intellectual Disability by Marie Grace A. Gomez
Advancing Women’s Leadership in the Philippine Health Sector: A Policy Review by Lynnell Alexie Ong, Reneepearl Kim Sales, Pura Angela Wee Co, and Katherine Ann Reyes
“Goodness Without the Guilt”: Constructing the Ideal Feminine Through Consumerism That Cares by Maritess D. Cruz
Hyphenate Woman: Pacita Abad Stitching Solidarity—A Review of Pacita Abad’s Retrospective at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art by Jose Santos P. Ardivilla
The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) is now accepting proposals for its 2025 UPCWGS Research Grant. The grant seeks to fund cutting-edge research on women and gender in the Philippines.
The UPCWGS will award funding of up to PhP100,000 to six (6) research projects on women and gender in the Philippines. Project duration should be within a six-month period with the start date on 1 April 2025. Researchers will be given two (2) months after the research period to write their journal article.
The researcher, or at least the project leader of the research team, must be a regular employee of the University of the Philippines.
3. Cover letter signifying interest and summarizing the project proposal
4. Recommendation letter from the project leader’s past or present supervisor
Selection Criteria
Research proposals will be evaluated based on timeliness/relevance of topic, creativity of approach, methodological soundness, contribution to knowledge, potential social impact, and effectiveness of writing style.
Terms and Conditions
Awarded projects will be provided with an initial outlay of 20% of the grant at the start of the project. Afterwards, funds will be released in four tranches upon submission of each of the three progress reports, one journal article that is accepted in the Review of Women’s Studies, and a policy brief.
Please email your proposals to [email protected], with “2025 UPCWGS RESEARCH GRANT” in the subject line, by 28 February 2025.
The Review of Women’s Studies (RWS) is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue.
The RWS is a refereed journal published twice a year by the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS).
The journal serves as a forum where ideas on issues and concerns affecting the lives of women, seen from the analytical perspectives of different disciplines, may be exchanged. Works that critically explore the myriad experiences of Filipino women and problematize gender relations in Philippine society are welcome. The RWS encourages and seeks to publish: (a) research papers that employ feminist methodologies and that adhere to the principles of feminist research, bearing in mind the intersectionality of gender, class, religion, age, and education; (b) reviews of current scholarship (local or foreign); and (c) creative works (poems, short fiction, essays, and artworks) that provide insights into women’s consciousness and give life to their hopes and dreams.
The RWS follows the double-blind peer review process.
Guidelines for Contributors
1. Research papers and reviews may be written in English or Filipino while literary works may be in English or any Philippine language.
2. Research papers must be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words. Manuscripts in Filipino must be accompanied by a fairly comprehensive abstract in English. Abstracts must include the following:
a. Rationale b. Objectives c. Methods d. Major findings e. Recommendations
3. Research papers must have a maximum of 8,000 words, including tables, figures, footnotes, and list of references. Reviews and literary works should be 6,000 words. When works include tables and figures, the maximum should not exceed 40 manuscript pages.
4. Works must be submitted in Microsoft Word .doc/.docx format in A4 paper size with 1 inch border margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and paginated.
5. Works should be accompanied by a cover page containing the manuscript title, contributor’s name, affiliation, postal address, email address, and telephone number. Repeat the title on the first page of the manuscript. The name of the contributor should not appear after the cover page. No identifying information about the contributor should be included in the submitted manuscript or the abstract.
6. Contributors must accomplish theRWS Contributor Checklist which contains the manuscript title, contributor’s name, and a checklist that includes the following:
a. Assurance that the work is original. b. Assurance that the work has not been published previously or currently under review for publication elsewhere. c. Information about the existence of any closely related works that have been submitted for simultaneous consideration to the same or to another publication. d. Disclosure of any conflicts of interest that might be seen as influencing the work. e. Verification that the treatment of human participants or nonhuman animal subjects was in accordance with established ethical standards. f. Copy of any permissions granted to reproduce copyrighted material or a notice that permissions are pending. g. Willingness to adhere to the publication timeline.
For works with two or more authors, the following are also in the checklist:
h. Assurances that all authors agree with the content of the manuscript and with the order of authorship. i. Assurances that the corresponding author will take responsibility for informing coauthors in a timely manner of editorial decisions, reviews received, changes made in response to editorial review, and content of revisions.
7. Works should use the American Psychological Association (APA) Style in the whole manuscript. Please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) regarding mechanics of style, tables and figures, citations, and references.
Research papers submitted to the RWS must have the following elements:
a. Title b. Abstract c. Keywords d. Body of the paper e. Reference list f. Appendices, if applicable
Reviews and creative works are also expected to reflect items (a) and (d) above.
8. Images included in manuscripts must be submitted in .tiff, .png, or .jpeg format. Images should be high resolution (at least 8.5 x 11 inches or 2,500 x 3,500 pixels at 300 dpi; each file should be at least 1 MB). It is the responsibility of the contributor to acquire copyright permissions for work outside of the public domain.
9. Contributors must accomplish the Copyright Transfer Agreement which grants the UPCWGS to publish and disseminate the submitted work once it is accepted for publication.
10. Contributors should adhere to the timetable set by the editor-in-chief. Failure to do so would mean the contributor’s loss of interest to publish their submission and the withdrawal of the consideration of the work for publication.
Please send your submissions to [email protected] with “RWS Submission” in the email subject heading.
Deadline: 28 February 2025 Target publication date: December 2025
The Review of Women’s Studies needs a Style Editor/Proofreader.
The Review of Women’s Studies is a refereed journal published twice a year by the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies.
Rate: PhP6,000.00
Timeframe: 1-31 March 2025
Style editing of 150-200-page journal, which consists of an introduction, research papers, creative works, and reviews, ensuring that the manuscripts follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) regarding mechanics of style, tables and figures, citations, and references.
At least two rounds of proofreading, checking the content of the journal for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.
Interested applicants may email their resume to [email protected] with “RWS Style Editor/Proofreader Application” in the email subject heading.
Deadline for Submission of Applications: 31 January 2025
As part of its activities for the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and in observance of International Human Rights Day, the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS), in partnership with the Human Rights Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission (HRVVMC), the Survivors’ Hub (Martial Law ’72-’86), and the Center for Women’s Resources (CWR), conducted Tao sa Tao: Mga Totoong Kwento ng Martial Law on 9 December 2024 at the UPCWGS Conference Room. Resource persons were Ma. Cristina P. Bawagan and Nilda G. Fullon of Survivors’ Hub, Patrick I. Claudio of HRVVMC, and Sharmaine Soledad of CWR.
Dr. Carolyn I. Sobritchea (front and center) of the UPCWSFI and Nilda G. Fullon (in pink) with the participants of Tao sa Tao: Mga Totoong Kwento ng Martial Law on December 9
Tao sa Tao is a project by the HRVVMC launched in 2022 to mark the 50th anniversary of Martial Law. It gathers survivor stories to inform students and the public about human rights violations during 1972-1986 and counter historical distortions through face-to-face storytelling.
In addition, the event also explored the relationship between conflict and gender-based violence, emphasizing women’s critical roles in addressing this issue and their contributions to women, peace, and security.
As part of its founding anniversary celebration, the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) launched the latest issue of its journal, the Review of Women’s Studies Volume XXXIII, on 6 December 2024 at the UPCWGS Conference Room.
The featured works for this issue of the journal are:
Research Articles
Navigating Tiwala in Disasters: Rural Women Leaders and Social Constructions of Trust With International Humanitarian Organisations by Kara Danielle Medina
Gendering Legitimacy: The Case of a Women-Led Community-Based Organization in Barangay Tatalon, Quezon City, Philippines by Ervin F. Grana
Understanding Motherhood During COVID-19: Experiences of Mother-Teachers in Distance Education by Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren, Andrew Bonifacio L. Clete, Bianca Camille G. Clete, and Arnielle Mari H. Resuello
Women’s Midlife as Gendered Development: The Lived Experiences of Selected Filipino Women in Midlife by Amapola L. Baes
The Paradoxes of Mobile Care Work: The Case of Aging Filipina Australians in a Digital Era by Earvin Charles B. Cabalquinto and Athena Charanne R. Presto
Creative Works
Women of Western Visayas by Maria Amihan Tamayo Panes
(From top to bottom, left to right) Kara Danielle Medina, Ervin F. Grana, Asst. Prof. Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren, Asst. Prof. Amapola L. Baes, Athena Charanne R. Presto, and Dr. Maria Amihan Tamayo Panes during the Review of Women‘s Studies Volume XXXIII launch on December 6
The Review of Women’s Studies (RWS) is a refereed journal published by the UPCWGS. The journal serves as a forum where ideas on issues and concerns affecting the lives of women, seen from the analytical perspectives of different disciplines, may be exchanged. It encourages and seeks to publish research that employs feminist methodologies and that adheres to the principles of feminist research, bearing in mind the intersectionality of gender, class, religion, age, and education.
As part of its activities for the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) conducted Unhappily Ever After: A Roundtable Discussion on the Absolute Divorce Act (House Bill 9349) on 2 December 2024 at the UPCWGS Conference Room.
Discussants were Atty. Leo D. Battad of the UP College of Law Gender Law and Policy Program, Prof. Macrina A. Morados of the UP Institute of Islamic Studies, and Christian Ang of the UP Student Catholic Action. The discussion was facilitated by Dr. Rowena A. Laguilles-Timog of the UPCWGS.
This event aims to explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of the Divorce Bill, with a focus on its impact on Filipino families, particularly on women and children.
Dr. Rowena A. Laguilles-Timog of the UPCWGS (right), Atty. Leo D. Battad, and Christian Ang (both front and center) with the participants of the Roundtable Discussion on the Divorce Bill on December 2 [Photo by Rey M. Madriaga]
Navigating Tiwala in Disasters: Rural Women Leaders and Social Constructions of Trust With International Humanitarian Organisations by Kara Danielle Medina
Gendering Legitimacy: The Case of a Women-Led Community-Based Organization in Barangay Tatalon, Quezon City, Philippines by Ervin F. Grana
Understanding Motherhood During COVID-19: Experiences of Mother-Teachers in Distance Education by Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren, Andrew Bonifacio L. Clete, Bianca Camille G. Clete, and Arnielle Mari H. Resuello
Women’s Midlife as Gendered Development: The Lived Experiences of Selected Filipino Women in Midlife by Amapola L. Baes
The Paradoxes of Mobile Care Work: The Case of Aging Filipina Australians in a Digital Era by Earvin Charles B. Cabalquinto and Athena Charanne R. Presto
Creative Works
Women of Western Visayas by Maria Amihan Tamayo Panes
You may view the journal here until 3 January 2025.
The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) conducted the Zine-Making for Feminist Advocacy: A Workshop with BLTX’s Conchitina Cruz on 20 November 2024 at the UPCWGS Conference Room. This event is the 11th session of the “Site of Convergence: Weaving Tapestries of Knowledge” lecture series.
In this workshop, participants were taught how to use the zine as a medium for feminist advocacy. Participants were also given time to create their own zines and share their works.
The workshop facilitator, Conchitina Cruz, teaches creative writing and literature at UP Diliman. Her books of poetry include “Dark Hours,” “elsewhere held and lingered,” “There is no emergency,” and “Modus.” She received her PhD in English from State University of New York (SUNY) Albany. She co-organizes the small press/DIY expo Better Living Through Xeroxography (BLTX).
Dr. Marie Aubrey J. Villaceran and Dr. Rowena A. Laguilles-Timog of the UPCWGS and Dr. Conchitina Cruz with the participants of the Zine-Making for Feminist Advocacy workshop on November 20
We stand together in solidarity! The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) is joining the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) in the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women.
As part of this campaign, we’re hosting a series of activities including trainings, workshops, and awareness campaigns to empower and raise consciousness on the importance of ending violence against women (VAW).
25-26 November 2024 (Monday-Tuesday), 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM: Engendering the Curriculum Training (for UP Faculty and REPS)
2 December 2024 (Monday), 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN: Strokes of Resistance – Continuing the Struggle for Women’s Emancipation! (in partnership with the Center for Women’s Resources)
2 December 2024 (Monday), 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Roundtable Discussion on the Divorce Bill
9 December 2024 (Monday), 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Tao sa Tao: Mga Totoong Kwento ng Kababaihan ng Martial Law (in partnership with the Human Rights Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission and the Center for Women’s Resources)
Let’s raise our voices, break the silence, and take a stand for gender equality and the safety of all.