Category Archives: Announcements

Walk in Her Shoes: Exhibit Opening

[NOTE: The exhibit opening of Walk in Her Shoes on 20 February 2024 (Tuesday) is moved from 2:30 PM to 10:00 AM.]

The United Nations (UN) Gender Thematic Group (GTG), in collaboration with several partners including the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS); Bayi, Inc.; SafeCity; the UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPCWSFI); and the UP College of Fine Arts, is organizing an experiential exhibit titled “Walk in Her Shoes” to support the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW). The exhibit was initially launched in December 2023. 

Previously housed at the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), the UN’s Walk in Her Shoes exhibit will be relocated to its new venue at the College of Fine Arts (Arts and Design Building) in UP Diliman, Quezon City. 

The exhibit will be accessible to visitors on 20-29 February 2024. It showcases stories from various sectors of women and girls, highlighting the different forms of gender-based violence they encounter on a daily basis. The primary goal of the exhibit is to raise awareness about the pervasive nature of VAW, encourage reflection on the prevailing social norms that perpetuate this harmful behavior, and mobilize action to eradicate VAW. 

There will be a program at the exhibit opening on 20 February 2024 (Tuesday), 2:30 PM. 

2024 Philippine Queer Studies Conference

Mark your calendars, ready your abstracts, and get excited to bridge queer knowledges and desires!

The 2024 Philippine Queer Studies Conference will be held this October at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.

For updates, follow us on our socials (@phqueerstudies) and the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) website. For partnerships, email us at [email protected].

This is presented by the UPCWGS and co-presented by the UP School of Statistics and Babaylanes, Inc. This event is in partnership with the UP Rainbow Research Hub, UP Diliman Department of Sociology, UP Babaylan, and SARI Network.

Call for Research Proposals: 2024 UPCWGS Research Grant

The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) is now accepting proposals for its 2024 UPCWGS Research Grant. The grant seeks to fund cutting-edge research on women and gender in the Philippines.  

The UPCWGS will award funding of up to PhP200,000 to six (6) research projects on women and gender in the Philippines. Project duration should be within a six-month period with the start date on 1 April 2024. After that, researchers will be given two months to write their journal article. 

Proposals should follow the format indicated in the PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE ( Applicants should also accomplish the ETHICS CHECKLIST GOOGLE FORM* (, submit a cover letter, and a recommendation letter from a supervisor. 

Research proposals will be evaluated based on: timeliness/relevance of topic, creativity of approach, methodological soundness, contribution to knowledge, social impact, and effectivity of writing style. 

Please email your proposals to [email protected], with “2024 UPCWGS RESEARCH GRANT” in the subject line, by 29 February 2024

Terms and Conditions: 

  1. One of the project proponents should be a regular employee of the University of the Philippines or a UP contractual employee.  
  1. Awarded projects will be provided an initial outlay of 20% of the grant at the start of the project. Afterwards, funds will be released through four tranches upon submission of each of the three progress reports and one journal article 

*A risk is minimal when the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not greater, in and of themselves, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests (National Ethical Guidelines for Health Research 2011). 

Call for Papers: Review of Women’s Studies Volume XXXIV

The Review of Women’s Studies (RWS) is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue. Research papers and creative works that explore the myriad experiences of Filipino women and problematize gender relations in Philippine society are welcome. Reviews of current scholarship (local or foreign) and creative works (poems, short fiction, essays, and artworks) are also accepted.

The RWS is a refereed journal published by the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS).

The journal serves as a forum where ideas on issues and concerns affecting the lives of women, seen from the analytical perspectives of different disciplines, may be exchanged. It encourages and seeks to publish research that employs feminist methodologies and that adheres to the principles of feminist research, bearing in mind the intersectionality of gender, class, religion, age, and education.

The RWS also features interviews of women through a first-hand account of their experiences to discover and highlight ways in which they have invested their lives with meaning and dignity. Creative works that provide insights into women’s consciousness and give life to their hopes and dreams are equally welcome.

The RWS follows the double-blind peer review process.

Guidelines for Contributors

  1. Articles must have a high degree of scholarship, and will undergo a process of review and approval for publishing by the RWS editorial board and by selected national referees.
  2. Articles may be written in English or Filipino. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words. Articles in Filipino must be accompanied by a fairly comprehensive abstract in English.
  3. All contributions must be original, should not have been published previously, and should not currently be under review for publication elsewhere.
  4. Articles must have a maximum of 8,000 words and book/art reviews should be 6,000 words. When articles include graphs and tables, the maximum should not exceed 50 manuscript pages. All articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word .doc/.docx format.
    • Articles should be formatted in A4 paper size.
    • Margins should be 1 inch for all edges.
    • Font should be Times New Roman, font size 12.
    • The article should be accompanied by a cover sheet containing the article title, author’s name, two to three lines of biographical data that include the author’s present position and area of work, postal address, email address, and telephone number. Repeat the title on the first page of the article. The author’s name should not appear after the cover page. No identifying information about the author should be included in the submitted manuscript or the abstract.
  5. All articles should use the APA Style in text citation. Please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) regarding notes, references, tables, graphs, diagrams, maps, and photographs.
  6. When necessary, articles should be accompanied by images (captions included) that are to be published with the text. These should be in separate files and not embedded in the text. A separate text document file should contain a list of the images’ file names and their corresponding captions. It is the author’s responsibility to acquire copyright permissions for work outside of the public domain. All images must be submitted in .tiff, .png, or .jpeg format. Images should be high resolution (at least 8.5 x 11 inches or 2,500 x 3,500 pixels at 300 dpi; each file should be at least 1 MB).

Please email your submissions to: [email protected] with “RWS Submission” in the email subject heading. Articles or submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be automatically returned to the author without comments.


  • The deadline for submission of full manuscripts  is on 29 February 2024.
  • Target publication date is December 2024.

#Safecity Caravan to End VAW

Calling all motorists, riders, and bikers!

“Sama-sama tayo sa paglalakbay para wakasan ang karahasan!”

Join us and meet our partners as we kick off the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) with the #Safecity Caravan to End VAW on 24 November 2023 (Friday), 7:00 AM at Liwasang Aurora, Quezon City Memorial Circle. Let us ride together for change, raise awareness, and stand in solidarity against gender-based violence.

On behalf of our partners, we invite you all to actively participate and unite in our mission to eliminate VAW.

Register here:

This event is in partnership with the Quezon City Gender and Development Council; Lunas Collective; the Quezon City Vespa Club; the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS); the UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPCWSFI); Bayi, Inc.; Safecity Philippine Chapter; and Safecity Volunteers from the UP Community, with the support of the Quezon City Government, the Commission on Human Rights, Red Dot Foundation Global, UN Women, the Asia Foundation, and Chevrolet Philippines.

#Safecity Caravan to End VAW

“Sama-samang paglalakbay para wakasan ang karahasan!”

Mark your calendars and catch the #Safecity Caravan to End Violence Against Women (VAW) this 24 November 2023 (Friday), 7:30 AM at Liwasang Aurora, Quezon City Memorial Circle.

The #Safecity Caravan is hitting the road, uniting advocates, bikers, and Vespa riders for a solidarity ride to end VAW, from Quezon City Memorial Circle to the Commission on Human Rights.

Join us in this kick-off event for the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW and let us ride together for a safer future.

Register here:

This event is in partnership with the Quezon City Gender and Development Council; Lunas Collective; the Quezon City Vespa Club; the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS); the UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPCWSFI); Bayi, Inc.; and Safecity Philippine Chapter, with the support of the Quezon City Government, the Commission on Human Rights, Red Dot Foundation Global, UN Women, and the Asia Foundation.

UP Pride: Queering the Classrooms in the Arts and Letters

The lecture series, Queering the Classrooms in the Arts and Letters, is happening this Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 NN, at the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) Conference Room. RSVP via this link: Only 35 registered attendees will be accommodated to comply with the safety protocols of the venue. 

Here are the quick run-throughs of the talks of our speakers: