The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) is now accepting proposals for its 2025 UPCWGS Research Grant. The grant seeks to fund cutting-edge research on women and gender in the Philippines.
The UPCWGS will award funding of up to PhP100,000 to six (6) research projects on women and gender in the Philippines. Project duration should be within a six-month period with the start date on 1 April 2025. Researchers will be given two (2) months after the research period to write their journal article.
The researcher, or at least the project leader of the research team, must be a regular employee of the University of the Philippines.
Application Requirements
1. Accomplished Project Proposal Form (download and submit)
2. Accomplished Ethics Checklist Form
3. Cover letter signifying interest and summarizing the project proposal
4. Recommendation letter from the project leader’s past or present supervisor
Selection Criteria
Research proposals will be evaluated based on timeliness/relevance of topic, creativity of approach, methodological soundness, contribution to knowledge, potential social impact, and effectiveness of writing style.
Terms and Conditions
Awarded projects will be provided with an initial outlay of 20% of the grant at the start of the project. Afterwards, funds will be released in four tranches upon submission of each of the three progress reports, one journal article that is accepted in the Review of Women’s Studies, and a policy brief.
Please email your proposals to [email protected], with “2025 UPCWGS RESEARCH GRANT” in the subject line, by 28 February 2025.