Join our survey and win $100!
Our survey is still ongoing! The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS), in collaboration with the UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPCWSFI) and the Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE), is conducting a study focusing on the online and workplace experiences and safety of women in the Philippines.
We are inviting women business owners, business leaders, and digital entrepreneurs to share their insights by participating in this study. Your contribution will greatly enrich our understanding of the online and workplace experiences of women in the Philippines.
As a token of our gratitude for your valuable input, we are offering a chance to win $100 to one randomly selected participant, along with $25 each to two additional randomly chosen participants. Your voice matters! Access the survey through the provided link or QR code below before the deadline on 6 April 2024 (Saturday):